Magnetic resonance imaging general guidelines
Magnetic resonance imaging general guidelines (MRI)
You have an appointment to magnetic resonance imaging MRI examination. Please fill out the screening form and include it with your visit.
How to prepare
You can eat and drink normally. You can also take your medicine. If the examination is being taken of abdomen area (liver, pancreas, kidney etc.) do not eat or drink four hours before the examination. Please remove any makeup if you will have an examination of head area.
All metal jewelry and piercing must also be removed before entering the MR system room. Please do this already at home. You will be asked to change into a hospital gown. Please leave valuable belongs at home.
In some examinations, a small needle (intravenous cannula) will be placed in your arm to give your contrast medicine during the examination.
If you are claustrophobic (fear of being in small spaces), talk to your doctor before the exam. Your doctor may order some medicine to help you relax. In case you were given medicine to help you relax, an adult person must accompany you to take you home from the examination suite. It is not safe for you to drive or leave alone.
What happens during the examination
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses strong magnetic field and radiofrequency energy to make pictures. MRI does not rely on the X-rays. MRI exam is painless and causes no known tissue damages of any kind.
MRI scanner is a long tube-like machine. The tube is well illuminated and ventilated. Your body part to be examined is placed in the center of the tube. The staff will monitor you constantly from outside of the examination room. During the examination you are able to contact the staff if needed.
MRI examination takes usually 20-60 minutes. You will be asked to remain perfectly still during the imaging. We try to make you feel as comfortable as possible. You may be asked to hold your breath for a few seconds.
The machine will make a loud noise while the images are taken. You will be given a hearing protector. Often you can listen to the radio. F
or some MRI studies, a contrast agent (gadolinium) may be injected into a vein or in a joint to help obtain a clearer image of the area being examined. MRI contrast agents do not contain iodine.
After the examination
Examinations need no after-treatment. If you were given contrast medicine, the cannula will be taken off.
A radiologist, a specially trained physician, will examine your images and the interpretation of the results will be sent to your doctor. Your doctor will share the results with you.